Hostgator User Reviews

The reviews below are submitted by webmasters who have hosted with Hostgator. In no way they reflect the policies or opinion of cheap-web-hosting-info. Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the sites mentioned have actually been hosted by Hostgator, but no assurance is given about accuracy of the same. Read our editorial Hostgator Review for more information about Hostgator.

Displaying 21 to 23 of 23

Hostgator Review By: Olivia Kitty, USA
Site Hosted:
IP Address:

Eh, it works

I experienced little downtime, and websites load fairly fast. That is the only reason I am a HostGator customer.

They do grossly oversell. If you use a certain percentage of the server's resources, you will be suspended. Whether within your purchased amount of disk space/bandwidth or not.

A mandatory search portal ( is put on "https" access to all hosted domains without notifying customers in any way. Purchasing a dedicated IP will remove it from your primary domain. It can not be removed from add-on domains.

Changing your primary domain is a hassle. In addition to a $5.00 charge, you have to remove just about everything in your account. Then, wait 24 hours for the switch to take effect.

I have had a poor experience with the Support Team overall. Review Added on: 2008-06-30

Hostgator Review By: Mike,
Site Hosted:
IP Address:

Best host.

I bought hosting from hostgator last month and its the best host known to me works great. I am previously on free hosting at Though the free host was great but there was a downtime like 2 to 5 hours in complete 30 days. And sometimes it affected my site. I am happy with hostgator and I am working on my new site again. Review Added on: 2008-06-18

Hostgator Review By: Kayol Hope, Canada
Site Hosted:
IP Address:

Hostgator Rocks!

I have hosting with them and they are fairly good. Unfortunately all 5 of these top web hosts are massive over sellers. Review Added on: 2008-03-28

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Hostgator Comparison

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